Solar Eclipse Instruction

In 2017 the local clubs asked one of our members, Rob Hawley, who is an experienced eclipse chaser to give a series of lectures on the August 2017 solar eclipse. Rob converted that lecture into a series of videos which he published on YouTube.

These videos are now updated so they reflect the correct information for 2024. This includes Rob's current thoughts on equipment and presenting his own programs CaptureEclipse and EclipseTimesCalc.

Since the Association has no control of what advertising Youtube presents before our videos, we are making a commercial free copy available here. Rob will also be publishing them on his Youtube channel since Youtube offers more choices on how the videos are displayed.


The first second introduces the series. Rob introduces himself, defines some terms that will be important to understand the series, and describes the other videos.

Why is Photographing Eclipses Hard

You set up your camera on a tripod and snap way .... Right?

As this video describes it is more complicated than that


What should I bring to the eclipse? Well it depends. Are you viewing the eclipse from a ship, taking a long plane flight, or are you hopping in your car and traveling a short distance?

This section also announces Rob's eclipse camera control app CaptureEclipse which is available for free on

Notice of Scheduled Embargo

Rob is adopting the precedent of Eclipse Orchestrator and embargoing further downloads right before an eclipse. This is to prevent customers from waiting until the last minute and then having problems using the app during totality due to lack of practice.

The app has been set to "Not Available". The app is exclusively distributed via the Mac App Store. There is no side channel.

Further Tech support will also be unavailable after that time, although for a limited time he is still answering questions on the facebook Solar Eclipse Chasers Group

Answers to Questions from the 2017 videos

This is a series of question posed by the original 2017 videos that did not fit into the narrative or required a detailed answer.


OK you have everything automated and now you are just going to watch. How can I make the most of the minute or so of totality?

This section also announces Rob's eclipse Prediction iOS app EclipseTimesCalc which is available for free on